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Find Government MONEY for your Business BusiGrants Subscribe Now

The BusiGrants Newsletter is a product of the the Funding Centre, an initiative of Our Community. Along with the Busigrants monthly newsletter, the Funding Centre also offers the largest database of grants in Australia, regular email alerts about changed and new grants and an online search facility.

To subscribe to the Funding Centre's BusiGrants Newsletter, go to: www.fundingcentre.com.au/subscribe

Each year Federal, State and Local Governments give away hundreds of millions of dollars to support thousands of businesses across Australia.

Is your business one of them?

NOW you can stay up to date with all business funding opportunities by subscribing to BusiGrants, Australia's first monthly newsletter providing details on all the available business grants (money to build your business), scholarships and professional industry awards.

You will no longer have to wade through numerous bureaucracies or newspapers to find a grant to suit your project. If there's a grants program directing money towards new or existing businesses, you'll know about it.

An index of available Federal and State Government Business Grants funding

Full details on each grant: list of available funds, purpose, requirements, eligibility guidelines, contact details, direct links to downloadable application forms where available

A monthly reminder of business grants still open for applications

A summary of relevant professional and business scholarships

A summary of relevant professional and industry awards

Business Development

International Trade (Export/Import)

Science & Technology

Research & Development


Indigenous projects

Regional/Rural Initiatives

Start-ups/New Companies

Environment/Environmentally Sustainable projects


With no more searching for more information and application forms, BusiGrants saves your business - or your client's - valuable time and energy and puts an end to frustrating calls.

Small and Medium Businesses
Finance & Development Departments

Technology Businesses
Training & Development Organisations

Product Development Managers

Manufacturing Companies

Financial Planners
Area Consultative Committees

Business Consultants
Research Centres

Business Development Managers
Export Managers

BusiGrants is a must for all businesses, no matter what their size. Most people are unaware of the myriad of Government grants funding programs that provide hundreds of millions of dollars each year to private companies to build their business - for planning, export, information technology, research and product development etc.

Now BusiGrants provides the perfect tool for companies looking for financial assistance to capitalise on these opportunities.

Only a small percentage of grants are advertised in the media. The BusiGrants service ensures that all business grant details are delivered to your computer screen every month.

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*$50 extra where hard copy posted

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