Media Release
November 28, 2011
The Our Community Foundation has launched the annual Good Gifts Guide, a listing of socially responsible Christmas gift alternatives.
The guide is designed to sit alongside regular catalogues in homes across Australia as people begin the search for the perfect Christmas gift.
The 2011 Good Gifts Guide contains merchandise from groups such as the RSPCA and the McGrath Foundation, which help to raise funds for their important work, as well as community development gifts such as "virtual cows" for developing communities, as well as environmentally-themed gifts, and more.
The guide has been released to mark the sixth annual GiveNow Week, to be held from November 28 to December 4. GiveNow Week, which is supported by Westpac, is used to focus the attention of individuals and families on how they can give more and better to their communities during the holiday season and beyond.
The event is anchored by a website - - which provides inspiration and ideas that will help turn people into better givers, including the "What type of giver are you?" quiz, which gives users tips on the best ways for them to give based on their personality type.
Visitors to the site can make a secure online donation to one of the hundreds of causes collecting donations for Christmas appeals and other causes through director Kylie Cirak said Australia's only commission-free giving site was continually growing, and currently listed more than 2000 causes. More than 83,000 individuals have used the service, donating more than $21 million to date.
"GiveNow Week provides a fantastic opportunity for people to think more carefully about their participation in the annual orgy of consumption," Ms Cirak said.
"This year we've included some great new features on the site such as the 'what type of giver are you' quiz, tips on how to have a green Christmas, our always popular Good Gifts Guide, and heaps more."
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