Registration - Women Leaders - Taking the Next Steps -
Intro Course Also Available

Women Leaders - Taking the Next Steps

This course builds on the very successful introductory course (Women Achieving and Flourishing). It will allow you to discover and share skills on:

  • Becoming the leader/manager you would want to work for;
  • The secrets of good performance management;
  • Ways to create sustainable organisational change;
  • Planning your career;
  • Overcoming barriers; and
  • Hints on surviving and thriving.
Location Date Time Venue
There are no sessions scheduled at the moment.
Payment Options: Cheque / Money Order, Electronic Funds Transfer, Credit Card
The final step of the registration / order process lets you choose your payment method. Credit card payments may be made online or by telephone, and an invoice is provided if you would prefer to pay by cheque, money order or electronic funds transfer.
Privacy Statement

By filling in this form you acknowledge and agree to Our Community's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Details of Delegate
(We only cater for allergies, beliefs and faiths - not food preferences)
Number of additional delegates

Additional Delegate 1
(We only cater for allergies, beliefs and faiths - not food preferences)
Additional Delegate 2
(We only cater for allergies, beliefs and faiths - not food preferences)
Additional Delegate 3
(We only cater for allergies, beliefs and faiths - not food preferences)
Additional Delegate 4
(We only cater for allergies, beliefs and faiths - not food preferences)
Additional Delegate 5
(We only cater for allergies, beliefs and faiths - not food preferences)
Additional Delegate 6
(We only cater for allergies, beliefs and faiths - not food preferences)
Additional Delegate 7
(We only cater for allergies, beliefs and faiths - not food preferences)
Additional Delegate 8
(We only cater for allergies, beliefs and faiths - not food preferences)
Additional Delegate 9
(We only cater for allergies, beliefs and faiths - not food preferences)
Submit Details and Proceed to Payment
Please complete registration form within 30:00 minutes. Registration form will be refreshed automatically after 30:00 minutes