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News archive
CONFERENCE: NFP leaders in search for the soul of the nation
BUDGET: NFPs and charities hail budget as good first step
NEWS BLOG: Latest developments for the sector
FIRST NATIONS: Sector leaders create a coalition for 'Yes'
LANDMARK SPEECH: Why not-for-profits should speak up
SPECIAL REPORT: What's on the horizon for NFPs in 2023?
FREE ADVICE: Our top 50 help sheets
WORKPLACE: Get more done with hybrid work
LIFE BALANCE: We're working smarter, not harder at OC
ADVOCACY: Why government should love us
PRIVACY: Data breaches a major NFP threat
REDUCE RISK: Don't let sexual harassment wreck your workplace
WEBINARS: Push to streamline not-for-profit financial paperwork
COMMENT: It's time to celebrate the 'do-gooders'
RESOURCES: New site helps NFPs tackle climate change
FINANCES: Meet Australia's top community treasurers
LEADERSHIP: Moving from managing to governing
GOOD DATA: Five ways the census is gold for your group
RESOURCES: Should you pay your board members?
EVENT: With Communities in Control, change is in your hands
CAMPAIGN TIPS: Media lessons from the federal election
GENDER PUSH: Vic program encourages women to step up
OUR AGENDA: What we'd do if we were in charge
CLIMATE ACTION: 'Be seen to go green'
RESEARCH: Are funders meeting UN social development goals?
CULTURE: Outdated practices that NFPs should bin
COMMENT: Turning a blind eye ends up costing us all
CASE WATCH: Cases and trends set to affect the sector
FUNDRAISING: Are you ready for election-time fundraising?
RESEARCH: 40% of NFP workers tempted by 'Great Resignation'
ANALYSIS: $60 billion audit reveals who is winning fed grants
AGONY UNCLE: Where do we start with vaccines?
FUNDING: Experts reveal path to fundraising success
GUIDANCE: Top NFP thinkers help you cope with covid-19
POLICIES: The policy essentials you need
TECH: Four easy ways to protect your data
COMMENT: Red tape is choking the community sector
HEALTH: Ten ways to help NFP staff stay sane during covid
TRANSFORMATION: It's time to rethink the business of charity
INNOVATION: Top treasurers win for hard work and wizardry
VACCINES: Workplace jabs a prickly business
BOOK EXTRACT: Is this our path out of the pandemic?
COMMS HELP: Marketing maestro has the answers
HELP SHEET: How to cope with the pandemic demand spike
HELP SHEET: Tactics for retaining your volunteers
COMMUNICATE: Study reveals how to stay in touch
FREE WEBINAR: How data can boost your fundraising
COMMENT: Fundraising proposal a red tape disaster
STRATEGY: Why comms must continue during covid-19
MAJOR STUDY: COVID-19 impact on NFPs
HELP SHEET: Time to act to save our volunteers
KEYNOTE: Sector must transform, not reform
2021 CONFERENCE WRAP: How to 'Think Bigger: Fix Everything'
COMMENT: Who says we can't change the world'
TOP TREASURERS: Your chance to win $5000
FUNDING: Three ways to win the funding you deserve
FREE RESOURCES: Making the most of your balance sheet
OPINION: Proposed charity power grab isn't very charitable
ADVOCACY: Sector anger at 'pre-crime' push by govt
RESOURCES: Back your donations campaign with Giving Facts
HELP SHEET: Help solve problems for your group in five minutes!
OPINION: COVID-19 shows us that big fixes need big ideas
HELP SHEET: Five reasons your group should share data for good
NEW DATA: What we learnt from this generosity blitz
HELP SHEET: Sorry, not sorry: The trouble with apologies
BUDGET BID: Sector peak pitches key Federal Budget measures
FUNDRAISING: 'Survival Day' donations show how you can benefit
COMMENT: It's time to pull the plug on the pokies
STUDY OPTIONS: Distance student blitzes governance course
SPECIAL REPORT: 2022 trends NFPs must know
NEW DATA: What we learnt from this generosity blitz
HELP SHEET: Sorry, not sorry: The trouble with apologies
BUDGET BID: Sector peak pitches key Federal Budget measures
SURVEY: Have your say in our diversity study
FUNDRAISING: 'Survival Day' donations show how you can benefit
COMMENT: It's time to pull the plug on the pokies
STUDY OPTIONS: Distance student blitzes governance course
NEWS: Accolades to Innovation Lab in not-for-profit tech awards
GENEROSITY: Aussie groups getting on board Giving Tuesday
POLICY: Why you need to download this free privacy policy
HELP: How to take your AGM online
STUDY: NFPs face tech struggle during pandemic
BUDGET: Where's the money for NFPs?
FREE GUIDE: Fundraising in the era of COVID-19
FIX FUNDRAISING: Time for govt to "get off its @r$e"
HELP SHEET: Build great relationships with funders
ACNC: Fundraisers must tell their stories better
EVENTS: LGBITQ+ groups flick fundraising switch to disco
FUNDRAISING: World-first 'Donation Dollar' a huge charity boost
COMMENT: Who is helping the groups supporting communities?
ADVICE: Top NFP thinkers lay out your pandemic priorities
NEWS: Community connectors could help COVID-19 battle
NEWS: Our data scientist a shining star for women
COMMENT: How to build hope in a post-COVID world
GUIDANCE: Sector experts give you the top priorities
STUDY: Our research reveals pandemic threat to 230,000 groups
UPSKILL: NFP Governance Diploma goes online
DIPLOMA: Remote learning a bonus for students in the bush
FREE: Pandemic policy to help you manage the virus crisis
AGONY UNCLE: How do we make the most of this lockdown?
COMMENT: Virus shows us social change can happen, now
GIVING: How to give during the COVID-19 crisis
FUNDING: Assistance for organisations affected by COVID-19
SUPPORT: Help organisations affected by COVID-19
ISOLATION: Twelve ways to stay playful
SOS: Our Community's campaign to combat COVID-19
RESEARCH: Not-for-profit 'roadmap' tackles sector's big issues
HELP: Leading community org calls on govt to do more for sector
INDUSTRY STUDY: Facebook fundraising spikes after bushfires
COMMENT: Why we need to appoint a no-bullshit council
COMMENT: Aussie citizenship test - it's just not cricket
TRAINING: Scholarship opportunities are fast-tracked
TIM COSTELLO: Why not-for-profits are Australia's sleeping giant
COMMENT: The future is now, and it's hot, dry and undeniably real
WHISTLEBLOWING: What NFPs should know about law changes
BUSHFIRE EMERGENCY: How you can help affected communities
SECTOR RESEARCH: Good governance crucial for arts community
COMMENT: Why it's time to rethink our MP numbers
FUNDRAISING: More impact for Giving Tuesday campaign
TATTOOED ANGEL: How an app and a community saved a life
AGONY UNCLE: Unsporting bullies take control of croquet club
SOCIAL IMPACT: The one gift that keeps on giving
AWARDS: Celebrating the sector's unsung heroes
GIVING GROWING: Hundreds sign up for Giving Tuesday
GOOD GOVERNANCE: Why you should trust and verify
SECTOR REFORM: Our Community's role in sector blueprint
FUNDRAISING: Why you've got to accept online donations
GIVING TUESDAY: Small orgs boost with ready-made fundraiser
RESOURCES: Damn Good Advice for Schools now available
COMMENT: Ignoring the data is an invitation to disaster
SURVEY: Study proves NFP leaders need a better welcome
TREASURERS' AWARDS: Sports clubs shine
NFP SPOTLIGHT: How do not-for-profit finances compare?
COMMENT: What's the Catholic church teaching us about love?
FINDINGS: Study spotlights not-for-profit crime threat
B-CORPS: Recognition in mission to be a force for good
B-CORPS II: Our Community House gets busy
ULURU STATEMENT: Time to show a bit of heart
#GIVINGTUESDAY: Why you should join this global movement
CONDUCT: What charities need to know about new rules
COMMENT: Old-school not-for-profits risk losing trust
AWARDS: Winners shine a light on our funding future
SPOTLIGHT REPORT: How well is your organisation performing?
DATA READY: How NFPs can become more data driven
COMMENT: Why battling homelessness is worth a gamble
GENDER TRENDS: $100m donations study reveals preferences
SPOTLIGHT STUDY: A View from the Chair
HR HELP: Free human resources for the community sector
NFP INTELLIGENCE: How our Data Lab will help you do better
SPOTLIGHT STUDY: Not-for-profits missing the data train
INTERACTIVE: Numbers prove LGBTIQ+ funding falls short
| InteractiveTRAVEL PAYMENTS: Can I claim that on tax?
TIPS: How to nail your media coverage
LEGAL TIPS: How NFPs can stay ahead of the threats
COMMENT: It's time for less spending and more giving
COMMENT: The joy of giving - on a Tuesday
FUNDRAISING: Not too late to get aboard Giving Tuesday train
COMMENT: Community Advocates must do better
CONFERENCE KEYNOTE: Fr Rod Bower calls for greater belonging
KEYNOTE: Accentuate the positive: Professor Lea Waters
IMPACT: Why social impact measurement is an essential skill
HIGHLIGHTS: Why Communities in Control 2019 shook things up
EVENT WRAP: Practical Impact shows NFPs to evaluate better
STATEMENT: Our Community welcomes ALP's charities policy
BOARD DIRECTION: Why it's time to Communicate with Clout
SECTOR TRENDS: How NFPs can keep calm under pressure
SECTOR STUDY: Winners sum up the mood in NFP survey
POST-POLL PREDICTION: Brace for impact of elections, quotas, inquiries
REGULATIONS: How whistleblowing law shake-up affects you
FUNDING EXPERIMENTS: Five grants trends to watch
BUZZWORDS: Jargon you'll be hearing more of
ACNC PLANS: Gary Johns on what you can expect this year
CHILD SAFETY: Passion project aims to keep kids safe
POLICY: What to expect (at work) when you're expecting
ACNC: Commission seeks new measures for not-for-profit health
TOP ISSUES: Legal eagle's birds-eye view of the sector
INSPIRATION: Find focus with the Festival of Community Directors
DONATIONS: Understanding the power of suggestion
LEGAL: New accounting rules for not-for-profits
PAT'S TIPS: Seeing the big picture crucial to your survival
#GivingTuesday: Aussie, NZ giving campaign goes global
AGONY UNCLE: Paws for thought before blowing the whistle
FUTURE 500: High hopes for scholarship winners
MEET THE TRAINER: How Lisa's ear for harmony is helping NFPs
DIRECTORS: Good governance again in the spotlight
DIPLOMA WINNERS: Future leaders scoop up scholarships
OPINION: Stop blaming politicians, start getting active
RESEARCH: Study seeks to arrest fall in grassroots leaders
GRANTWRITING: Don't hate me, I'm a grantwriter
ALAN SCHWARTZ: Introducing the Universal Commons
CULTURE SHOCK: Why Aussie game is just not cricket
MEASURE THIS: Funders the key to evidence-based practice
GARY BANKS (AO): What happened to evidence-based policy?
RADIO WAVES: Tune in to the power of community
ANALYSE THIS: Free tech tool for NFPs released
REACHING OUT: How to use your 'social connectors'
CHILD SAFETY: Action must follow national apology
#GIVINGTUESDAY: A wave of giving starts right here, right now
WHAT'S NEXT? The future of grantmaking
GROWING UP: Greening Australia's culture shock
FINANCE HELP: Watchdog to tackle rip-offs
COMMENT: Culture is key to healthy community organisations
GOOD PRACTICE: Good culture starts at the board table
SPELL IT OUT: Our Community's culture? Read the Manifesto
AWARDS: Being treasurer is more than a numbers game
LEGAL THREATS: Avoiding scandal by promoting good culture
KEYNOTE: How Susan Pascoe sees the future for NFPs
ACNC REVIEW: Sector welcomes findings
GOOD DATA: Why not-for-profits must do data better
COMMENT: Reef grant is hardly gold standard
POLITICS: Libs turmoil gives sector new minister
LEADERSHIP: Keenan Mundine on Indigenous leadership
DIVERSITY: The critical need for disability leadership
NEW SYSTEMS: DSS to revamp grants for families and children
COMMENT: When is a charity not a charity?
DONATIONS: Community donors keep giving as others cut back
LEADERSHIP: If ethics is so obvious, why is it so hard?
VIDEO REPORT: What makes a good community leader?
DIVERSITY: Why diversity makes good sense for NFP leaders
RESOURCES: The trouble with good leadership: What not to do
LEARN TO LEAD: Inside the Australia Council's program
SHARING THE LOAD: How NFPs can do more (with more)
COMMENT: Thai caves rescue shows power of community
ANALYSIS: The twin foundations of leadership with Simon Longstaff
FINANCE: Top treasurer's advice for organisations (with interactive help)
OPINION: ASIC levy stems from a state-federal mess
ATO ADVICE: Tree planting is now less taxing
CROWDRAISERS: Charity sleep-out shoots for the stars
OUR CONFERENCE: Why it's time to put Communities in Control
GOOD BUSINESS: Our Community "Best for Community", again
LGBTQI+ LENS: Why our data scientists are chasing rainbows
VIDEO: Abuse survivor tells why this child safety toolkit is a must
DATA THREAT: NFP cyber attack highlights data dangers
WOMEN'S BUSINESS: The role of gender in winning grants
FREE DOWNLOAD: Equip yourself with our child safety toolkit
FREE POLICY: Improve your complaints process
PARTNERSHIPS: What are your legal options for collaboration?
PRO BONO POWER: Partnerships power free legal help
RISE OF THE MACHINES: Dangers of data on autopilot
POWER IN UNITY: Cooperate to propagate
KEYS TO CHANGE: Jocelyn's mission to end family violence
SHARE THE SPACE: Co-locate to collaborate
THEY SAID IT: How to make collaboration work
DATA: Astrophysicist turns to the grants universe
STUNNING: The Geelong Project's collaboration breakthrough
COMMUNITY: Backyard sessions bringing people together
SECURITY: How to manage passwords in your organisation
CROWDRAISE: Fundraising tool gives people the power, for less
COLLABORATION: Community Directors Intelligence tells you how
PARTNERSHIPS: The Impact Assembly's change agenda
CONNECTIONS: 50 hot tips for finding the right business partner
VIDEO: to boost directors' credentials
SECTOR TRENDS: The big issues for not-for-profits
ON ADVOCACY: When it's time to speak out
HELP SHEET: The 12 rules of advocacy
STAND STRONG: Why advocacy is crucial for not-for-profits
DATA FOCUS: New not-for-profit chief's advocacy warning
CHARITY SHAKEUP: So what do US tax changes mean for us?
PEOPLE POWER: How GetUp grabbed your attention
ADVOCACY TOOLKIT: How to change a law
THINKING AHEAD: Our Community House announced
TALENT: Meet the Community Directors Council
ETHICAL DECISIONS: Get help with a free independent helpline
GREAT QUOTES: Mobilising the grassroots to create change
ADVICE: How to communicate with clout
CHILDREN: How Royal Commission into child abuse affects you
DATA DRIVE: CLASSIE system has new bells and whistles
BOYCOTT: Why Our Community wants Oz Day date to change
ORDER OF AUSTRALIA: Unrepresentative, uncaring, unchanged
TAX RULING: Decision less taxing on directors' decisions
SOCIAL IMPACT: Airbnb turns to community groups
MEET THE TRAINER: Patrick Moriarty
HELP SHEET: Eighteen tech tools for the 2018 not-for-profit
FIRST PERSON: Random Hacks of Kindness
HEALTHY COMMUNITIES: How are your community's Vital Signs?
MAPPING SOCIAL COHESION: We're still sticking together, just
FUNDRAISING: Why loyalty is such a powerful motivator
GLOBAL: Community groups the frontline of inequality fight
GOVERNANCE: Community directors' scholarships open doors
RESOURCES: IT help - free, discounted, donated
FUNDRAISING: Spread the load to build financial sustainability
ADVICE: Top five financial questions for not-for-profits
RSL's finance battle a lesson for us all
SUSAN PASCOE: Top regulator joins forces with Our Community

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Official commentMedia inquiries
Matthew Schulz
(03) 9320 6800
0409 626 619
Kathy Richardson
(03) 9320 6800
0439 397 781
Denis Moriarty
(03) 9320 6800
0417 184 744